Single Parenting
Due to death, divorce, or never having been married, millions of men and women have become single parents and were forced to raise one or more children alone. This means that all the decisions and chores ideally shared by two people - a male and female - were entirely in the hands of one person.
A male was forced to take on the role of the mother or a female was forced to assume the responsibilities of the father - while doing his or her own chores as well...a heavy load for one person, no matter how strong or capable. The role of a single parent is complex and frightening at best. It is not part of God's perfect pattern for a family, but it happens nonetheless.
Do you relate to this problem tonight? Have you had to assume the role of a single parent? Are you thinking that it is far more than you can handle...more than you can bear?
Remember, you are NOT alone. God has sent you a Helper.
"And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter, (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby) that He may remain with you forever (John 14:16, AMP).
Never forget how much help God has provided for us through the Person of the Holy Spirit to help see us through any trial we face as single parents. Ask Him for daily wisdom...expect His guidance and instructions. Ask Him for strength...expect to be renewed. Ask Him for His peace...expect to be refreshed.
God loves you and wants to answer your prayer. Say this prayer with me:
Heavenly Father, I am so grateful You provide the help that surpasses human help through Your precious Holy Spirit. Take me, Lord, and teach me each day. Join me to You in a new relationship, parenting together. In Jesus' Name, Amen.