With my Kingdom Seed to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth I now covenant with Almighty God to increase my harvest into a new dimension of Financial Freedom:

Dear David and Family, My heart is filled with faith that during this Year of God’s Favor, I will see the release of God’s Favor for My Family. I now plant my special Favor for the Family Seed Gift. Please present my family to the Lord during your Favor for the Family Prayer Day at the World Conference.

FREE from debt…
FREE from poverty and lack…
FREE from my financial needs…
FREE for life … a lifetime of financial freedom.

As my faithful partner in building God’s Kingdom, I am now placing your name on our Prayer Altar for our Financial Favor Prayer Day at World Conference. I join my heart with you to believe God that during this Year of Favor, God will release you into a new life of Financial Freedom as a Kingdom-Builder to take the message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.