Satan is on a rampage. He has launched an all-out spiritual war on God’s children just before Christ’s return. The scriptures give us prophetic warnings of Satan’s fury in these end times:

… But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short. (Revelation 12:12, NIV)

We are witnessing Satan’s end-times fury through the media every day … the brutal attack by Hamas on Israel, the anti-Jewish riots spreading across our college campuses, the skyrocketing increase in horror films, and satanic violence sweeping across America.

And the devil has unleashed his fury against my partners in a supernatural floodtide of attacks like I have not witnessed in our generation.

Terminal disease inflicting suffering and death…
fiery darts wreaking mortal wounds to destroy families:
the demon of divorce, children hating their parents, infighting, heartbreak, isolation, pain, and loneliness…


Satan knows his days are numbered. Because he controls the financial systems of the world, he is using inflation to steal your seed. He has launched a rapid-fire barrage against the finances of God’s people to thwart the end-time harvest and block our Million Soul Crusade.


I have you on my heart today. I want to place into your hands an arsenal of spiritual warfare weapons to defend against Satan’s attacks against you.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. (Ephesians 6:13)

Friend, before you finish this letter, I have asked God to dress you for war … in the whole armor of God … that you be able to defeat every attack coming against you … and that you can stand!

>>> Put on the Helmet of Salvation…(Ephesians 6:17)

>>> Take up the Sword of Spirit, the Word of God:(Ephesians 6:17)

>>> Stand Strong with the Shield of Faith.(Ephesians 6:16)

Armed with the whole armor of God, I am calling my partners like you, Friend, to defeat every attack against you by joining God’s army to declare war on the devil’s war.


The Million Soul Crusade is our battle plan of victory to overwhelm the enemy and build the Kingdom of God by winning masses of souls to the Lord Jesus Christ.

And it is the power of the seed that fuels the Million Soul Crusade. Seed faith strikes fear in the heart of the devil. In the parable of the sower, Jesus warns that the devil’s strategy is to steal your seed. (Luke 8:12)

Friend, I ask you in the name of our Commander-in-Chief, the Lord Jesus Christ, to join me in planting a Spiritual Warfare Seed to overwhelm the enemy and surge a mighty increase of the Kingdom of God through the massive outreaches of our Million Soul Crusade.

To utterly defeat Satan in your life, I want to place into your hands a battle-tested handbook of spiritual warfare called The Spiritual Warfare Answer Book by David Jeremiah.

• This amazing handbook of spiritual warfare will arm you to go to the very frontlines of the battle and defeat any and every attack that the devil has mounted against you.

• Prepared in a format like none other, The Spiritual Warfare Answer Book addresses questions that Christians have asked for generations to defeat Satan’s attacks against God’s children.

• You will learn how to target the devil’s specific attacks against you, how to defend against those attacks, and win your battles of life as more than a conqueror.

Dr. Jeremiah goes into amazing detail on all six weapons of spiritual warfare. You will be trained to do spiritual warfare prayer: to pull down strongholds, cast down imaginations, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience in Christ.

Then, as a strategic battle plan to defeat Satan, we are launching The Summer Healing Crusade, beginning July 1. For thirty-one straight days, we will target your personal needs, and believe God to defeat the enemy and return to you the spoils of war in an outpouring of blessing and abundance to meet those needs in your life.

When you plant your Spiritual Warfare Seed Gift into the Million Soul Crusade, we will take your name into our massive Summer Healing Crusade to believe God to overwhelm the enemy and win a major victory for you and your family.

Be sure to deposit your Spiritual Warfare Seed Gift immediately so it will be here before we launch the Summer Healing Crusade. I am watching, and waiting, and believing God for your breakthrough victory!

Your partner and friend,

David Cerullo


With your Seed Gift of $100 or more, I will send you the Spiritual Warfare Answer Book by David Jeremiah, The Armor of God Rose Guide, and the Armor of God Medallion that you can take with you as a point of contact whenever you are facing the enemy on the frontlines of battle.

If you are not able to send $100 at this time, please pray about your very best Spiritual Warfare Seed Gift, and I will send you The Amor of God Rose Guide that gives you the imagery and detailed descriptions of the whole Armor of God!

SPIRITUAL WARFARE ALERT: Rush me your prayer needs … write down the specific points of attack the devil has launched against you. Beginning July 1 through July 31, joined by God’s generals, legendsof the faith, and our prayer warriors, we will wage war against the devil’s war to intercede for your needs.

You will have access to our online Summer Healing Crusade Prayer Room at to receive your personal healing Word and prayer from our Healing Crusade Prayer Team.

Plant your Spiritual Warfare Seed, rush me your prayer needs, prepare arms, and together we will do battle and crush your enemy!