“How would you like to receive a BLESSING greater than any BLESSING you have ever received before?”
-Morris Cerullo

Dear Friend,

Within our One Million Soul Crusade, God’s mandate for MCWE in 2023, there is a GREATER BLESSING to you and I who share God’s love for His chosen people, the Jew.

There is no greater gift than the gift of salvation …

There is no GREATER BLESSING than to present the gift of salvation to God’s chosen people.

Through our outreach to the Jew, as a critical part of our One Million Soul Crusade, you can receive the promise of that GREATER BLESSING returned as a bountiful harvest in your personal life!

Your Greater Blessing!

God’s Word promises you two specific and direct GREATER BLESSINGS to those who BLESS THE JEW.

Your Greater Blessing #1

and I will bless them that bless thee … and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. (Genesis 12:3)

There has never been a more clear, direct, unalterable covenant promise to the generations of people everywhere who would follow Abraham through the ages … This covenant promise is so profound in its simplicity:

I will bless them that bless thee …

The greater you bless the Jew …

the greater the blessing upon you!!!

There is no greater blessing to the seed of Abraham than to bring the blessing of salvation to the Jew.

Your Greater Blessing #2

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee. (Psalm 122:6)

As we launch our Million Soul Crusade Outreach to the Jew … through your prayerful support, you can receive a blessing like no other blessing you have ever received … YOUR GREATER BLESSING!

What a truly amazing promise! I know you have a special place in your heart for the Jew. You can demonstrate your love for Israel by planting your financial seed gifts into our Jewish World Outreach Ministry, which was the passion of Dad and Mom’s life.

Because of your love for the Jew, when you pray for the peace of Jerusalem, you have placed yourself in a position of prosperity with our Heavenly Father.

On the foundation of God’s GREATER BLESSING of prosperity and abundant provision in your life, I am asking you – as one who loves and prays for God’s Chosen People – to join me and the ISRAEL PRAYER FORCE …

to covenant to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and plant your GREATER BLESSING SEED GIFTS into the rich fertile soil of our Jewish World Outreach. The ISRAEL PRAYER FORCE is the supernatural engine that will drive our Jewish World Outreach.

With your prayers and your GREATER BLESSING SEED GIFTS, our Jewish World Outreach will target souls in the nation of Israel in three strategic outreaches:

1. The First Outreach … THROUGH THE INTERNET: Through our revolutionary online outreach, Gods Plan for You, over 2,000 Russian Jews in Israel responded by praying the prayer of salvation!With your GREATER BLESSING SEED GIFT for 2023, we are believing to DOUBLE this outreach in Israel to see thousands more Russian Jews come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

With your GREATER BLESSING SEED GIFT for 2023, we are believing to DOUBLE this outreach in Israel to see thousands more Russian Jews come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

2. The Second Outreach … ON THE GROUND: With your GREATER BLESSING seed gift we can increase our feeding and evangelism outreach to lift up Yeshua to needy Jews.

3. The Third Outreach … IN THE AIR: Broadcasting proven Jewish dramatic films like The Rabbi, Think it Through, Masada, and Apokalypsis can only happen when our friends and partners provide the required funds.

Only eternity will tell of the thousands of Jews who will have their eyes opened to the reality of their Messiah through these broadcasts.

Never have we BLESSED Israel like we will BLESS Israel through our 2023 Jewish Word Outreach. Never has there been a BLESSING … the GREATER BLESSING that God has promised if you will take a step of faith and give to this critically important outreach to the Jew.

Friend, are you believing God for your GREATER BLESSING? Pray about a special GREATER BLESSING SEED GIFT of $50, $75, or $100. Whatever you are able to give, make it your greatest gift of faith to bless the Jews and believe God for His GREATER BLESSINGS in your life.

Your Jewish World Outreach gift can release an abundance of blessings in your life like you have never received before.

We cannot bring this GREATER BLESSING to the Jew without your GREATER BLESSING SEED GIFT. Please pray in earnest about giving the greatest you can give, for the salvation of Jews in Israel.

Before Mom went to be with the Lord, she asked me a question that will be branded on my heart forever. Mom said to me, “Son, what are we going to do for the Jew?”

And now I ask you, “What are you going to do for the Jew?”

Be a blessing to God’s chosen people and get ready to receive God’s GREATER BLESSING in your life!

Your friend in outreach,

David Cerullo


As a very special token of my gratitude for your GREATER BLESSING SEED GIFT to the Jew, I will present to you a beautiful olive wood vial of anointing oil. It has been painstakingly hand-crafted by Israeli artisan and believer Jeries Facouseh.

The engravings on the olive wood give honor to El Shaddai and proclaim God’s glorious gifts of faith, hope and love. I send you this olive wood vial from the Holy Land with my prayers for the GREATER BLESSING in your life.