Partner Ministry Letter
“See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.”
Exodus 23:20, NIV
God has destined amazing Passover promises for you at this prophetic time on His calendar … Passover 2021 is coming, and this is your time to experience God’s miraculous breakthroughs for your life!
This Passover, do you want to see God’s miraculous power manifested in your life? As I’ve prayed for you, I sense this is your time to experience deliverance from the challenges you have been facing. God wants to work miracles in your life this Passover!
No matter what setbacks and challenges have been thrown at you this past year … no matter what limitations you have experienced because of the coronavirus … challenges in your finances, your health, or your family relationships …
This Passover is your time to receive miracles of deliverance, provision, and NEW BEGINNINGS from the Lord!
Seasons are important to God. The word “season” means an appointment, a fixed time, a special gathering to meet with Him. God has set an appointment for your miracle … and this appointment is PASSOVER 2021!
This year, we will celebrate Passover on Saturday, March 27.
Time is of the essence! God has commanded us to keep His Passover just as Jesus and the disciples did. This … shall be a statute for ever in all your dwellings throughout your generations (Leviticus 23:21).
During this Passover, I am praying for you and for the answers to the prayers you need! Rush me your special prayer needs with your Passover offering today.
Right now, I believe you are standing on the edge of tremendous breakthroughs, supernatural restoration, and answers to prayer! Whatever you need, God is present at Passover to meet your greatest needs!
Through the MIRACLE of PASSOVER, God is about to intervene in your personal circumstances to bring about such supernatural BLESSING that you will know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that your miracle came straight from the heart of God.
As you come obediently before the Lord this Passover season and bring Him your best sacrificial offering, we will believe God together for your Passover miracle! God has promised to commission His angels to go before you to lead you into His promised land! Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. (Exodus 23:20).
The angels of God have gone before you this Passover celebration!
For your seed-gift of support for our worldwide outreaches, I want to send you Morris’s powerful message, I Saw Angels!
During one of our conferences, Morris experienced the glory of God descending upon our partners and the angels of God being manifested to meet their needs! This message is powerful. It will be a great blessing to you this Passover!
- Learn how God’s angels will fight on your behalf!
- The angels of God encamp around you to protect you
- No force in heaven or on earth can defeat you with God’s supernatural help.
- God sends His ministering spirits to bring you strength and blessing!
Hebrews 1:13-14 says, Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
During the Feast of Passover, God gave us this special direction … and they shall not appear before the LORD empty: (Deuteronomy 16:16). God commands us to bring Him an offering that will honor Him at Passover!
Come before the Lord with your offering this Passover and expect to receive His Passover blessings! When you follow His instructions, you can confidently expect His amazing promises to be fulfilled in your life.
God promised that the first thing He would do is to send an angel before you. He will release an angel to lead you and direct you from this point forward. No more will you wonder about God’s will for your life! God wants to take care of you!
This is your appointed time. God wants to bless you!
This isn’t for a far-off time in the future … God wants to bless you now!
The angels of God have been sent on assignment for you!
Bring God the best offering you can this Passover!
May the Lord lay upon your heart the specific amount you should give as a well-pleasing offering to Him at this sacred time.
Send me your special prayer requests and offering to arrive in time for Passover! We will celebrate God’s feast together!
As you act on God’s commands, believe His Passover promises!
Your Passover Miracle Offering |
Faithfully yours,
Theresa Cerullo
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