What follows in this letter is my deeply personal encounter with God. My prayer is that you prayerfully read this email and discover the pathway to His presence … and like me, you will never be the same again.
There is a growing passion in my heart for you to come with me during God’s Feast of Tabernacles as we enter into the Presence of our Lord. The Psalmist David declared …
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy Presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore. Psalms 16:11
I can hear Jesus calling: Bring your heavy burdens, your cares, your needs and “Come unto Me …” Matthew 11:28, paraphrased)
Friend, I want you to join me as we answer our Lord’s call to come before Him … into the power of His Presence. During our Feast of Tabernacles Conference, we will enter His gates with praise and thanksgiving, believing God for His bountiful harvest to overflow into your personal life. One moment in His Presence can change your life forever.
MY ENCOUNTER WITH GOD >>>> I want to share with you my deep personal encounter with God … and how God’s words to me can lead you into the power of His Presence.
It happened at breakfast in a hotel restaurant. As I sat there drinking my coffee, I sensed God was about to speak to my spirit. I pulled an envelope and pen out of my pocket to write down whatever He was about to tell me.
“David, if you truly want to know Me, there are some STEPS you need to take in order to move into a deeper level of relationship with Me.”
“Yes, Lord. I’ll take these steps. Whatever they are, I’ll take them.” I quickly scrawled on the envelope the following five words the Lord spoke to me:
REPENT … In our walk with the Lord, we turn to Him for forgiveness of our failures and sins that would block us from knowing Him intimately.
PRAISE … Praise lifts us out of the troubles of this world and positions us to receive God’s Presence, power, protection, and provision. When you bless the Lord, He will bless you!
WORSHIP … Through worship the Heavens open and God releases His help, healing and hope for every need in your life.
OFFERING … Giving back to God a portion of what he has given to you opens the door into His Presence. As I sat there at that life changing breakfast, God gave me yet another step to take me on the pathway into His Presence.
“David, after you have repented, after you have praised Me, after you have entered into true worship, know that My requirements for intimacy also include bringing me an Offering.”
Friend, when you release the seed in your hand, God will release the harvest that is in His hand. His promise is to multiply your offering back to you with riches, honor, power, and blessings.
SACRIFICE: The final word God spoke to me was sacrifice. “Lord,” I asked, “what do you mean? What kind of sacrifice do You want me to bring You?” He replied:
“David, when you bring Me an offering it needs to be meaningful to you. If it’s not meaningful to you it won’t be meaningful to Me.”
In 2 Samuel 24:24, King David gives us the secret of sacrifice: “I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God which cost me nothing.”
David knew his offering required sacrifice to access the power of God’s Presence. God cannot accept our token offerings … He does not want our second best … He will not take our crumbs and return His bountiful blessings. If our gifts are precious to us, they will be precious to God … this is the secret of sacrifice.
Friend, during this season of blessing, you can release the secret of sacrifice with your sacrificial … harvest-seed offering … that we will dedicate to the Lord during our Feast of Tabernacles Harvest Celebration. Your harvest-seed offering will be your sacrificial seed offering for your bountiful harvest.
God showed me an amazing parallel between the hidden treasures of the Tabernacles outer court, inner court, and Holy of Holies … and the hidden treasures in Jesus’ parable of the sower and the seed.
Other seeds fell into the good soil, and as they grew up and increased, they yielded a crop and produced thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold” (Mark 4:9, NASB).
The outer court is a picture of a 30-fold increase where we are saved but never really grow in our walk with the Lord. The inner court is a picture of a 60-fold increase … another step closer but still it is not a fully intimate relationship with Him.
Friend, the Holy of Holies represents the hundredfold increase where you can experience the reality of His provision, Presence, peace and power … enveloped by His love and care … overwhelmed by His mercy and grace … and live in the cup-running-over harvest of the hundredfold blessing.
Now friend, into the power of His Presence with your harvest-seed offering to reap your harvest of the hundredfold blessing.
Like King David, give an offering of sacrifice that costs you something. If $50 does not cost you something … give $75. If $75 does not cost you something … give $100. Give until your offering costs you something.
At the Feast of Tabernacles, I will lead our partners here at the Legacy Center and a host of those who will join us on-line … believing God your harvest-seed offering will reap a cup-running-over harvest of blessings to overflow upon your personal needs now and forever!!!
Through Jesus, God has opened the way into the Holy of Holies for you … Jesus invites: Come Unto Me … into the Power of His Presence.

MY GIFT TO YOU: There is a treasure of life-changing truths I have discovered in my search for a pathway into His Presence hidden in the mysteries of the Wilderness Tabernacle. I have drawn from my lifetime of study into the secrets of the Tabernacle to find God’s plan for an intimate walk with Him. These treasures of truth are uncovered in my book, Ancient Secrets of the Tabernacle Revealed its STUDY GUIDE.
Plant your harvest seed as a sacrificial Tabernacles offering. We will present your sacrifice to the LORD during our Feast of Tabernacles Conference, October 6-9, to believe God for His promise of bountiful blessings and abundance in your life.

Discover hidden, life-changing mysteries of the Wilderness Tabernacle.
Experience your personal encounter with God that will change your life forever.
Uncover the riches of God’s provision, power, peace, and blessings hidden in the secrets the Wilderness Tabernacle.
Ancient Secrets of the Tabernacle Revealed with its companion Workbook will be sent to you in gratitude for your sacrificial harvest-seed offering of $50 or more as we agree together for the power of God’s Presence to be released into your life.