"What shall be the signs of your coming and the end of the age?" Matthew 24:3
The Morris Cerullo Legacy International Center invites relive all the sessions from our first-ever End Time Prophecy Summit to hear from some of the leading Bible prophecy experts from across the globe as we dig into the current headlines that point to Jesus' soon return including:
7pm: Pastor Tom Hughes: The Final Countdown: Revealing Today’s Headlines That Point To The Soon Return of Jesus Christ!
8pm: Dr. David Reagan: Post Election America in Prophecy!
7pm: Dr. Jim Garlow: 11 Prophetic Signs Currently Happening in Israel that You Need to Know!
8pm: Dr. Don Perkins: 666- How Close are We to the Mark of the Beast?
10am: Dr. J.B. Hixson: Spirit of Anti-Christ - The Gathering Cloud of Deception
11am: Dr. J.B. Hixson: The Rapture-The Moment Your World Changes Forever!
3pm: Dr. Nathan Jones: 10 Current Day Signs That Prove Jesus Is Coming Soon!
4pm: End Time Prophecy Summit Q&A – including all speakers
7pm: Dr. Don Perkins: What Will You Be Doing the Next 1,000 Years?
8pm: Dr. David Reagan: Israel and The End of The World!